Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Lazzaro Felice (2018)

This Italian magical realist movie is like something out of a dream. It moves cautiously, slowly, ethereally. The movie is so mysterious, you never quite know what to make of it. You have to sort of just enjoy the ride. I'll give you a hint--Jesus brings Lazarus back to life. That's the second half of the movie. We are transported (or returned) to a contemporary impoverished city, and the contrast to the first half is stark. It's still slow, and it's more challenging. There is a feeling of melancholy that pervades the whole movie; but even through disappointment Lazzaro is happy as per the title. It's a really interesting movie, but I admit I don't know what to make of it. I'm not sure what the ultimate message is. But it has stuck with me.

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