Sunday, October 19, 2014

Gone Girl (2014)

Gillian Flynn pens the screen adaptation of her own best-selling novel.  As the original author, she has an intimate knowledge of the characters' complex mindsets and emotions.  In a very unique manner of storytelling, the audience is given a first person account by Affleck's Nick in the present, and a first person account by Pike's Amy in the past through diary entries. The two separated by stylistic fades to black--both presenting biased narratives.  In this way, the story unravels at a very deliberate pace, with reveals around every corner.

Adding to the intense level of suspense is the soundtrack by frequent David Fincher collaborators Atticus Ross and Trent Reznor of Nine Inch Nails.  The electronic sounds are ominous; they creep up on you and the tension builds mirroring the film perfectly.  Even if not terribly musical in the traditional sense, the score is so fitting and integral to the foreboding ambiance of the movie.

On the acting front, Rosamund Pike stands out in an excellent cast.  Without giving too much away, her character's mental state is quite complicated but she does a very good job.  Ben Affleck, too, acts convincingly as the "concerned" husband who is under close scrutiny for his wife's disappearance. And of course, thanks to David Fincher's direction, this all comes together eerily well.