Thursday, June 14, 2018

The Insult (2017)

The Insult is a Lebanese courtroom drama that I found really interesting. Civil law legal systems are totally different from the common law system I'm used to. So it's unclear to me how over-dramatized the courtroom action was. For example, in an inquisitorial system, as opposed to an adversarial system, the judge can ask questions. It makes for lots of extra drama and less order, if you ask me. This whole court is out of order.  But what is really interesting is the political dynamics, which factor into the law, despite not being strictly legal. Religious cleavages are very challenging. Palestine and Lebanon and Israel have a complicated relationship that plays out. It all starts with a minor plumbing incident. And it just escalates and escalates and becomes more tense. There are some cliche twists but I can overlook it. I enjoyed it very much. 

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