Monday, July 27, 2015

Chris Tucker Live (2015)

Chris Tucker works sparingly.  He is known for his role as Agent Carter in the Rush Hour trilogy, because he made so much money from this franchise that he has not had to make many more movies. To his Netflix stand-up special, he brings the same flair.  He relies heavily on physical comedy and voices, portraying all involved parties.  The best part of his routine is a long bit doing a Michael Jackson impression.  But he also does vocal impressions of people we don't know, his family members. His stories are personal.  In Chris Tucker fashion, he does lots of high-pitched yelling (which can be attributed to the large size of the room, but is more likely just his style). Overall, there are some very funny bits, but the routine is way too long. The running time is about 90 minutes, which included too many unfunny bits.

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