Monday, May 30, 2016

Beyond the Mountains and Hills (Me'ever Laharim Vehagvaot) (2016)

There is a great song in this movie that was on repeat for an hour outside the Debussy theater. And then it makes a brief appearance in the movie. I didn't get sick of it though. It is a quiet ballad that I believe is biblical in nature, though I don't really know. I shazamed it and I have it saved in my phone.

Going into the movie, I was told by Gillian that it is an anti-capitalist film. The synopsis talks about "Dark forces" that were supposedly capitalism. But this was not the case. The "Dark forces" were actually dark forces, not just a communist exaggeration. This movie tells a complex story about a pretty messed up family. The main character is technically the father but I think his story is the least interesting. His daughter is entangled in some Palestinian terrorism, and his wife is hooking up with one of her students. It is a really tense movie, as you could imagine a movie about terrorism is. It is not thrilling, but it's suspenseful. And the wife's storyline actually made me laugh a few times. Not sure if it was meant to be funny, but juxtaposed with the terrorism it kind of was.

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