Friday, June 3, 2016

The Salesman (Forushande) (2016)

After watching Elle, it was refreshing to see this more delicate depiction of an assaulted woman. Iran gets a bad wrap in the West, but it is a much more nuanced society than we give it credit for. It is simultaneously modern and traditional. Asghar Farhadi is a master at his craft. Shahab Hosseini and Taraneh Alidoosti both give very strong performances as actors performing Death of a Salesman. I didn't quite understand the reference, but I think it has to do with the husband being so focused on his own goals that he doesn't see what his wife actually wants. The movie almost takes a Prisoners like turn. But it isn't quite that sadistic and dark. And it's not as loud as you would expect in an American revenge story. No, it is thoughtful. This movie took a lot of turns that are rather unexpected. It is suspenseful and the last act is super intense and unpredictable. Then the ending is left a little open ended. I wasn't positive how to interpret it, but I think they separate. 

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